Tim Tams & Tid Bits from Down Under

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Trust, Work Hard, Relax

Time for an update...

This week finds me sleeping in my temporary home at my friend Laura's. Everynight this week has been spent packing, emptying, and cleaning my apartment, ending tonight. The week started out hard and I again felt like there wasn't enough time to get everything done. But with the words "what can I do to make this easier for you?" from a friend's mouth and recieving my visa in one day instead of the stated 14, things picked up quick. We are all so busy, but it's amazing to see and experience my friends gathering around me to help me on this journey. You all impress me so much!

Next at the top of my list:
Plan the details of my fundraiser dinner
Figure out what to do with the stuff that's in my friend's garage (garage sale or donate)
Make a ton of phone calls to cancel gym membership, cell phone, car insurance, etc.

I've been keeping my ears and eyes open for inspiration to help verbalize my goals, desires and dreams for this missions trip. This is new territory for me and I'm learning more about my own heart and strengths. I'm ok with not having it all figured out or knowing what to expect. God is the Alpha and Omega, He goes before me and behind me. He's already been there, so I don't need to worry.


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